Monday, December 30, 2019

John Franklin D. Roosevelt s The Pearl Harbor Address Essay

I interpret the phrase, â€Å"Times of terror are times of eloquence,† as meaning that traumatic or undesirable situations produce memorable speeches which guide people into action or change attitudes. Emerson’s saying suggests the best speaking and writing rises from troubling events. The quote relates to the notion in Bitzer’s essay that true rhetorical discourse occurs when a speaker addresses an audience in response to a situation in order to induce change. An example of this in a historical context is President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Pearl Harbor Address. A response to a terrible event, the speech explained the situation of the attack on Pearl Harbor and urged Congress to declare war. Roosevelt’s words also served to change the attitude of the American people from one of neutrality to one of a nation at war. The Pearl Harbor Address relates to Emerson’s quote because it occurred during a very dark time in the United States, yet it united the country and became a historic speech. The character Rocky Balboa’s speech to his son in the film Rocky Balboa is a cultural example relatable to the phrase, â€Å"Times of terror are times of eloquence.† In this particular scene of the movie, Rocky faces a major upcoming fight of which he admits he is scared to death. Meanwhile, his son is struggling at his job and reveals that he blames his father for it. In this moment, Rocky delivers a passionate speech, in which he encourages his son to persevere when he encounters obstacles, and toShow MoreRelatedFdr : A Protagonist Or Antagonist? Essay2098 Words   |  9 PagesFDR: A Protagonist or Antagonist? On December 7th, 1941, Pearl Harbor was attacked by Japanese forces. The very next day, Franklin D. Roosevelt addressed the United States Congress with his memorable speech including â€Å"a date which will live in infamy.† Next, I would like to bring focus to the rhetorical aspect of the main purpose and the relevance of FDR’s captivating speech. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

Leadership Development Pl Leadership Plan Essay - 1429 Words

Running head: LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PLAN 1 LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PLAN 5 My Development Plan The specific LEADERSHIP TASK AREAS I want to address Mentoring / Coaching Employee / One on one Training, Emotional Situation: According to the results of the Leatherman Leadership Questionnaire (LLQ), I have to improve myself in ethically, have to improve myself confidence to handle emotions of employees, and one on one training. My actions would be to control emotions of employee are like teach them like school teacher. Teacher treat all the student equally and give similar knowledge to all. Teacher pretend that they give hard time to student but in reality, they make student stronger physically and mentally both. I will likewise be much the same as them to tutor my workers. To mentor my worker, I would begin with the slightest troublesome things and step by step increment the challenges in that specific zone. Be this activity they can learn by time and get each part of the preparation time by time. Managing change, Strategic planning, Conflicts, Team Building: To oversee conflict circumstance, my activity would be listen the both sides first on the grounds that without knowing the entire situation and the base of that issue, I can t settle on judgments or any choices. At that point make the both sides realize not to make such climate again in light of the fact that different workers can receive this conduct and as a originator, I dislike that. I will make this discussionShow MoreRelatedCreating a Ppd Plan2391 Words   |  10 PagesMy Personal Development Plan Table of contents Introduction Areas that need development Your strengths Your action plan Key contacts Resources Related guidance on 2 2 5 7 8 9 10 Created by Business Link December 16, 2005 9:53 AM If you would like to come back and see how much you have improved, or update your current list of actions, please visit My Information at My Personal Development Plan | Created for Sample User on December 16, 2005 9:53Read MoreThe Case For Intern As Oracle And Sql Developer1614 Words   |  7 PagesThis term, Sriven Technology has offered an unpaid employment for the position of Intern as Oracle PL/SQL Developer. THE COMPANY The Company I m working with is Sriven Technologies, located in Virginia. It is a leading information technology development and consulting firm serving clients throughout the United States. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019

Le film et le roman Free Essays

Many say that when comparing movies and books they differ a lot. Books provide a more detailed viewing of characters and the events that occur, whereas the movies leave out Information and sometimes deter the moral of the story. In the movie and book; Ell Suppliant Sarah, it can be seen that movies based on books do not portray the same events and themes occurred. We will write a custom essay sample on Le film et le roman or any similar topic only for you Order Now Ultimately this takes away from emotions one feels towards certain situations. Differences can be seen in the relationships between certain characters. Also the way traits of certain characters are shown. Moreover, some events that happened were not the same and took away from the verbal meaning of the story. To begin with, the first difference that Is seen Is the relationships between certain characters, especially Julia and Bertrand. In the book, it can be seen that their relationship Is very tense and not so strong. This can be seen when Bertrand insults Julia in in front of his assistant about how Americans think they are the best and Julia thinks to herself (De Rosary, 36-37). From this quote one can see that the relationship between Julia and Bertrand lacks love and affection. Julia feels silly and ridiculed by Bertrand and does not understand why he chooses to act this way. However, in the movie Antoine is not in this scene and their relationship is strong and is working well. As well, later on Dana lee roman, Julia finds out she is pregnant and thinks Bertrand will be happy to know this. After telling him, she finds out that he is not happy she is devastated and this can be seen when she says (156-166). This quote shows how terrible and angry Julia feels that Bertrand does not want to keep the baby. In movie, It Is seen that Julia is a little upset, however she quickly recovers and It does not seem to bother her for too long. For both instances. The book has a ore detailed way of portraying her thoughts whereas the movie fails to do so. In the end this takes away from emotions and attachment viewers should feel towards her and leaves them surprised when they split up. Thus, that is how relationships are changed movie and book. Not only Is there a difference between relationships, but also the way characters are shown. In the book, Sarah’s character Is naive and Innocent; however In the movie it Is Intelligent and clever. While at the camp, Rachel makes the plan to escape and at first Sarah hesitates, but then agrees. This can be seen when Rachel says Rachel lavish connivance. Less aliment s’Â ©cheaper. Less aliment quitter get 32). Although, in the movie, Sarah brings up the idea and tells Rachel. Moreover, in the book when Sarah and Rachel escape, the police officer knows Sarah and eventually lets her go, (139). Nevertheless, In the movie the police man does not know her and lets her go because of the sympathy he feels for all the kids. Through the events that happened at the camp, the differences were clearly noticeable. Sarah’s character may have been changed to be more courageous because she is constantly reminded that she is to blame for hiding Michel. This is because her arenas yell at her for doing this whereas in the book, they do not put too much emphasis on It, illustrating that her parents know she is too young to understand the current situation. This takes away from her loving character and the fact that she under the pressure of her parents blaming her for what she did. Hence, this changes the way Sarah’s character is shown in both the movie and the book. Furthermore, UN tauter difference est.. Queue, Dana lee roman, Julia and Zoe both go to America, although, in the movie Julia ends up going alone. This was different in the book because in the book Zoe plays an important role in encouraging her mother. This is significant because she is the one who forces Julia to not give up and actually go and meet William. Therefore, when she meets William, Zoe is not with her. Taking out these events takes away from Zoo’s character and makes Julia seem stronger than she actually she is. Furthermore, this leads to William being in denial of his mother’s past. In the book he is surprised by what he learns and chooses to be ignorant and neither William nor his father know about Sarah’s past. However, in the movie they add in a scene of William meeting his sick father. In it he learns that his father actually knows what happened but never chose to tell him. This is significant because it changes the story as it is a secret that only he does not know about. As a result, this takes away from the whole purpose of Cilia’s Journey of being able to tell William about his mother’s past. Also this alters the theme of forgetting the past, as in the book Sarah keeps to herself and does not tell anyone. Otherwise in the movie Sarah tells someone but still ends up committing suicide because it was too much to handle. This shows that even the process of sharing her story didn’t take away the burden from her heart. Therefore, it is evident that movies based on books do not portray the same events ND themes occurred and takes away from the emotions one feels towards certain situations. While reading a book, it allows one to use their creativity and imagine what is happening. Nonetheless movies Just show what is happening and sometimes end up changing the storyline. As seen in Ell Specialty Sarah, many things were changed, including the relationships between characters, the traits of certain characters, and changes in events. In the end, this altered the themes and made it hard for viewers to understand the story. Thus, it can be concluded that movies based on books have a lot of differences. How to cite Le film et le roman, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Previous Olympic Destinations Lessons †Free Samples to Students

Question: Discuss about the Previous Olympic Destinations Lessons. Answer: Introduction A hall mark event can be defined as an all inclusive colossal happening which takes place in a given location over a period of time. Such events do not only attract a wide number of participants but also brings on board bid audiences. Hallmark events are in most cases acknowledged globally hence the audience may not necessary have to travel to the stadiums to watch the games but can follow the proceedings in front of their screens (Bladen, Kennell and Abson, 2012, p.50). A good example of a hallmark event is the Commonwealth Games which are currently going on in Goldcoast, Australia. This event was chosen as an object of references due to the fact that most of its characteristics fit the definition of a hallmark event. Additionally, the event attracts many individuals to its location which comes with numerous touristic values to the hosting country. The massive turn out in the current event in Australia implies that various individuals from different walks of life have managed to int eract with Australias tourist attraction sites which are a lift to the tourism industry (Collins, Jones, and Munday, 2019, p.830) In this essay, the features of a hallmark event and their touristic significance shall be discussed. The discussions are derived from peer reviewed articles whose contents shall be adequately analyzed in a bid to address the topic in question. According to Bowdin, Allen, Toole and McDonnell (2011, p.57), mega events are always marked to take place in a given cycle of time. For instance, an event may happen after every two or four years. The space between the occurrence of one event and a similar one at a later date is specifically meant to give room for planning and coordination of the various elements considered crucial for the success of the event. The authors therefore note that hallmark events require careful planning where ideas are agreed upon and implemented based on their effectiveness and level of alignment to the organizers objectives. The planning of events is speared headed by a team of competent individuals each charged with a specific responsibility and standards set such that the board members are able to gauge their progress during the planning process (Getz,2005, p.11). The authors also note that careful planning and proper time management before the commencement of the event plays a crucial role in enhanc ing its success. They subsequently suggest that the planning process for hallmark events ought to be strictly guided by the events core objectives, aims as well as purposes. This implies that there are targets which the planning committee must set and yearn to attain. As noted by Muller (2015, p.19), hallmark events will never cease to attract a massive following. As pointed out earlier, these events do not only attract the participants but also does the audience or fans that come to support their favorite performers especially in cases where the mega event involves sporting activities. The Commonwealth games which are currently ongoing have attracted thousands of participants from different corners of the world. In addition, the live streaming clearly indicates a massive turnout in the stadiums which easily translates to a boom in the population in major cities especially those surrounding the sporting arenas. The author therefore emphasizes that hallmark events have the tendency, which has been proven over time, to attract many people to the hosting location. This provides a unique opportunity for the tourism fraternity in the hosting nation as they are able to shows their touristic endowments to the visitors from all walks of life. Despite the fact that the individuals attending the events come objectively to either perform or support their people, the tourism sector is well in a position to attract audience to their side through strategic marketing (Getz, 2007, p.28). For instance, at the stadiums, the marketers can interact with the fans and participant increasing their awareness about nearby tourism sites and elements before encouraging them to visit these areas. Hallmark events therefore go a long way in enhancing both local and international tourism. Wide Media Coverage Hallmark events are often global events. As such, it is practically impossible for each individual to physically attend these events. As pointed out by Arnegger and Herz (2016, p.67), most people tend to know about these events due to the high media publicity mostly through the internet, radio and television. The periods prior to the hallmark event is usually punctuated with consistent awareness through marketing and advertising of the events elements, period, location and the ticket details in case there is no free entry. Apart from the wide coverage during event marketing, the actual event is streamed live and hence people across the globe get to have a touch of the proceedings through their screens. The authors explain that good media coverage works to the very advantage of the hosting nation. The hosting nation has a unique opportunity to showcase its facilities to the millions of people watching all over the world. In some cases, the cameras move from the stadiums and roam to co ver the beautiful landscapes, water bodies, museums and parks especially those features located near the events main locations (Getz, 2008, p.420). This in itself shows the world a lot about the country which in turn may arouse interest among the audience on the need to visit the given country and tour the sites. For instance during the Commonwealth games, the countrys facilities and high level infrastructural development has been marketed to the whole world. This has a special way of changing the scope of tourism in Australia not only today but for many months to come. Kwiatkowski (2016, p. 510) highlights the aspect of high cost as a major feature of hallmark events. The planning and actual implementation of the events usually involves the use of many resources. For instance, when the hallmark event involves games like the Commonwealth Games, the hosting nation has to spend a lot in preparing the participation arena. This may involve building new stadiums in addition to rehabilitating and repairing the already existing ones. Such activities are costly hence the need for adequate financial adjustment and lobby for resources. The preparations are however less of a problem in developed nations since they already have most of these facilities. However, the author notes that the cost incurred by the hosting nation while preparing for the event ought to be compensated through other forms of revenue. The fraternity that comes to mind at this point is that of hospitality and tourism. The attendees are likely to be booked in hotel rooms and taken around in the course of the event. The fans who accompany the participants also use these facilities at a fee which serves to the advantage of the industry (Graham, Goldblatt and Delpy, 2005, p.64). It is however important to stay strategic with both the products and services in a bid to maximize on the opportunity and hence develop the tourism sector. Transformation of the Hosting Location Janson (2008, p.22) in his article on Review and Analysis of Tourism points out that hallmark events tend to have long lasting transformations on the hosting nation and more specifically the hosting locations. When, for instance, the event involves sporting activities, there may be an inevitable need to create space for the development of stadia. Such moves can see areas which are basically rural being transformed into urban centers after the inclusion of the infrastructure. The author goes on to note that transformation during preparations for such events may include overhauling of land, creation of new roads, communication systems in addition to the establishment of other modern set ups. An improvement in the network of roads and communication system in a given area automatically leads to encroachment of an urban set up. Hallmark events therefore come and go but they never leave the hosting nation the same again. A good infrastructural set up is a major boost to tourist activities in any given area. The properly done roads increase accessibility to such locations (Hall, 2009, p.270). Consequently, the tourists are able to conveniently move from one place to another as they watch and enjoy the sites. At the same time, the highlighted communication systems do not only help the locals in these regions but equally eases exchange and passage of information. Good communication and efficient flow of information is another factor which facilitates tourism. Janson therefore connects this hallmark event feature to its touristic significance by noting that urban transformation encourages mobility which in turn uplifts tourist activities. According to Knott, Swat and Viser (2015, p.9), mega events have the unique characteristic of changing the environment of the hosting location. Despite the fact that some of these effects may be negative, a good number of the transitions end up altering the living standards of the hosting community for the better. Hallmark events are accompanied by a number of economic activities. For instance, the hosting community has an opportunity to sell their merchandise not only to the participants but the other attendees as well. Depending on the period that the event takes, the individuals can make good use of this timeline to make exclusive sales and introduce productive corporate contacts which can in turn help them expand on their areas of business specialization. As highlighted by the authors, hallmark events tend to have positive economic impacts especially on the hosting society. This in turn leads to a rise in their living standards which also encourages the societys reception to othe r government initiatives in such areas. For instance, when the tourism fraternity earmarks the given society for the expansion of its activities, the community is likely to remain positive as such initiatives are likely to enhance their lives economically (Hamilton City Council, 2008, p.2). Increase in crime, congestion and health factors As pointed out by Hills (2016, p. 6), hallmark events may not only come with positive effects on the hosting community but equally involves other features which may be detrimental to the community in the long run. To begin with, such events usually involve a sudden rise in the population within a given locality. An upsurge in population attract various other shortcomings like a sudden increase in criminal activities most commonly picketers and muggers. This may expose the society in bad light which in turn hinders future human activities in such areas. For instance, tourists may avoid such locations while citing insecurity as a major issue. Secondly, a sudden increase in population increases the level of contact between people which leads to easy spread of diseases especially the contagious ones. The organizers may therefore need to put in place the right control measures to ensure that such eventualities, however inevitable, do not end up ruining the success of the hallmark event. F urthermore, in areas characterized by poor network of roads and communication systems, a sudden upsurge in population due to the hallmark event may result in traffic clogging which hinders movement of people from one place to another. A good network of roads would therefore be appropriate in enhancing easy traffic flow which culminates in the overall event success (Hill, 2016, p.8). Conclusion The discussion above reveals the perceptions and elements that adequately describe a hallmark event. The events do come with greater good; this explains why most countries are always dying for the opportunity to win the hosting rights (Holt, 2004, p. 5). A nation has to bid and prove to the board that it has what it takes to host a hallmark event. This urge could be attributed to the attractive features that punctuate the phenomenon. Despite the high cost likely to be incurred especially during the preparatory stages, hallmark events end up making positive economic impacts on the hosting society (Janson, 2008, p.7). These events also involve wide media coverage, high visitor attractiveness and most importantly, urban transformation which in the long run improve the living standards of the hosting nation. The basic prerequisite for the success of a hallmark event is the formulation of appropriate objectives which guide a proper planning and preparation period. When each of these aspec ts are put well in place, the success of a hallmark event always overflows not only to the organizers and hosting community but also the country as a whole (Lin, 2013, p.60) References Arnegger, J. and Herz, M. (2016). Economic and destination image impacts of mega-events in emerging tourist destinations.Journal of Destination Marketing Management, 5(2), pp.76-85. Bladen, C., Kennell, J. and Abson, E. (2012).Events management. New York: Routledge. Bowdin, G., Allen, J., O' Toole, W., Harris, R. and McDonnell, I. (2011).Events management. 3rd ed. Oxford: Elsiever Ltd, pp.79-111. Collins, A., Jones, C. and Munday, M. (2009). Assessing the environmental impacts of mega sporting events: Two options?.Tourism Management, [online] 30(6), pp.828-837. Available at: [Accessed 23 Oct. 2017]. Getz, D. (2005). Event Management and Event Tourism (2d ed.), Cognizant, New York. Getz, D. (2007). Event Studies: Theory, Research and Policy for Planned Events, Elsevier, Oxford. Getz, D. (2008). "Event tourism: definition, evolution, and research. Tourism Management, 29 (3), pp. 403-428. Graham, S., Goldblatt, J., and Delpy, L. (2005). The Ultimate Guide to Sport Event Management and Marketing, Irwin, Chicago. Hall, C.M. (2009). "The definition and analysis of hallmark tourist events", GeoJournal, 19(3), pp. 263-268. Hamilton City Council (2008). Event Sponsorship (online at:; accessed January 2012). Hill, D. (2016). London Olympics legacy: Jobs, Jobs and Jobs.The gaurdian. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Nov. 2017]. Holt, D. (2004). How Brands Become Icons: The Principles of Cultural Branding, Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation, Boston, MA. Janson, K. (2008). review and Analysis of Tourism to Previous Olympic Destinations Lessons and Implications for London 2012 By. p.22. Knott, B., Swart, K. and Visser, S. (2015). The impact of sport mega events on the quality of life for the host residents.African journal of leisure, tourism and hospitality, (4). Kwiatkowski, G. (2016). Economic Impact of Event Attendees' Spending On a Host Region: A Review of the Research.Event Management, 20(4), pp.501-515. Mller, M. (2015). What makes an event a mega-event? Definitions and sizes.Leisure Studies, 34(6), pp.627-642. Lin, Y. (2013). A Critical Review of Social Impacts of Mega-events.The International Journal of Sport and Society: Annual Review, 3(3), pp.57-64.